20 youth worker attended a first training course under project From Idea to Reality and Execution (F.I.R.E.) supported and funded by “Erasmus+” program of European commission.
The training course was hosted by the South African team from 13/01/2019 to 19/01/2019. The seven day training course was conducted by trainer Ivaylo Ivanov (Bulgarian trainer) whose informal fun approach to presenting his course material was very nice.
Ivaylo was wonderfully engaging presenter, very easy to listen to and the course was just the right mix of theory, practical demonstration and anecdotes. The training course presented in an enthusiastic way. The content was related not only to leadership qualities but also to events and situations in daily life. Leaves you with a real feel-good factor.
The main objective behind the training course was to understand leadership qualities and styles. Also along with this time management was one of the important topics.
In this training course, the learning were as follows:
About Leadership
– Leadership skills.
– Skills management.
– Teams and groups – what are differences.
– Presentation skills.
– Action plan, priority and time management
See also the articles from the participants:
Before arriving: